Line Item Detail

The Line Item Detail dashboard allows you to view the specific orders and invoice line items for a specific location & date.

To reach the Line Item Detail page, you will need to be on the Location Scorecard dashboard for the location you are looking for (instructions found here). On the Location Scorecard page, go to the tab called  9L Equivalent & Orders and click the Drill Down button at the top-right corner of the visual. This will display Daily 9L Equivalent & Orders, rather than the monthly values. You can also click on a specific date at the bottom of this visual and the green Line Item Detail button at the top of the page will be active allowing you to view the specific orders for this location on this date. 



On the Line Item Detail dashboard, you will see 2 visuals. The top visual shows the individual line items for orders placed on the selected date along with the Invoice Number, the Product Description (as listed on the invoice), Spend, Units, Volume, and 9L Equivalent. The Product Label column will show what label the individual product is categorized under. 

The bottom visual is the Product Description Audit. This will quickly show the product description and the label that it is being categorized under. The Mapped to Label Flag column is confirming this product description has been properly mapped to this Product Label.

Note: Columns highlighted in BLUE are values interpreted by Fintech and do not appear on your invoice.  Items highlighted in RED are Off Program products.