Compliance Summary

This article explains general navigation on the Compliance Summary Dashboard.

Launch your BPM application. The Default screen is the Compliance Summary dashboard. Default reporting is based on all your configured programs.

    1. This visual displays a quick snapshot of your program metrics. The figures will change based on the Invoice Date Range and the Program you have selected.
    2. This visual shows all your configured programs, the start and end dates of your programs, Compliant Orders, Locations in program, On Program 9L Equiv and On Program Spend. Selecting a program will change all metrics on the Compliance Summary dashboard based on your selection.
    3. This visual displays your Product Count by Program Status. This will show the number of distinct products purchased and break it down as ‘On Program’ products and ‘Off Program’ products.
    4. This visual displays the number of locations that have placed an order within last 90 days
    5. Low Compliance locations represents the number of locations that fall below your overall average compliance.

To clear your filtered program, click on the selected program again

To clear your Invoice Date Range filter, use the Clear Filters button at the top of the page


Click on a program in this visual, and the green Program Detail button becomes active, providing further detail on the selected program. For more information visit the Program Detail page here

The Supplier Summary button takes you to the Supplier information to allow for analysis of ‘On Program’ Suppliers, Brands and Product purchases. For more information, visit Supplier Summary page here.