Supplier Detail

The Supplier Detail page can be found by going to the Supplier Summary dashboard, selecting a supplier, and click on the green Supplier Detail button at the top of the dashboard.


On the Supplier Detail page, you have the option to change filters on the left side of the screen to view different data options.

A. Invoice Date Range: The date range shown is the invoice date range that the data is populated from. You can change the date range to see data from a particular time.

B. State: You can choose which state you want to see data from.

C. Region: You can choose which region you want to see data from. 

D. Category: You can choose which category you want to see data from.

E. Program: You can choose which program you want to see data from.

F. Products: This visual shows the products under the supplier, as well as total orders, total spend, and total 9L equivalent. 

G. Spend by Category: You can see spend broken out by category in a pie chart. 

H. Orders by Month: This chart shows how many orders there were per month and shows the average order threshold over the months. 

I. Products by Location Count: This chart shows how many products are at each location. 

J. Spend by Product: This chart shows how much was spent monthly by product, with highest spend first.